10 März

Interxion unterstützt 03! Interxion verbindet über seinen Rechenzentrumscampus im Frankfurter Osten global-digitale Welten. Mit dem Erwerb des ehemaligen Neckermann-Areals in Fechenheim ist das Unternehmen in der Nachbarschaft noch präsenter geworden.Doch Interxion liegt nicht nur die globale Welt am Herzen – das Unternehmen möchte auch lokal und regional unterstützen: Deshalb erhalten der Arbeitskreis Fechenheimer Vereine e….

25 Nov.

The snatch is a wide-grip, one-move lift. The clean and jerk is a close-grip, two-move lift. Each weightlifter receives three attempts in each, and the combined total of the highest two successful lifts determines the overall result within a bodyweight category. Bodyweight categories are different for male and female competitors. A lifter who fails to…

25 Nov.

The snatch is a wide-grip, one-move lift. The clean and jerk is a close-grip, two-move lift. Each weightlifter receives three attempts in each, and the combined total of the highest two successful lifts determines the overall result within a bodyweight category. Bodyweight categories are different for male and female competitors. A lifter who fails to…

25 Nov.

The snatch is a wide-grip, one-move lift. The clean and jerk is a close-grip, two-move lift. Each weightlifter receives three attempts in each, and the combined total of the highest two successful lifts determines the overall result within a bodyweight category. Bodyweight categories are different for male and female competitors. A lifter who fails to…

25 Nov.

The snatch is a wide-grip, one-move lift. The clean and jerk is a close-grip, two-move lift. Each weightlifter receives three attempts in each, and the combined total of the highest two successful lifts determines the overall result within a bodyweight category. Bodyweight categories are different for male and female competitors. A lifter who fails to…

25 Nov.

The snatch is a wide-grip, one-move lift. The clean and jerk is a close-grip, two-move lift. Each weightlifter receives three attempts in each, and the combined total of the highest two successful lifts determines the overall result within a bodyweight category. Bodyweight categories are different for male and female competitors. A lifter who fails to…

25 Nov.

The snatch is a wide-grip, one-move lift. The clean and jerk is a close-grip, two-move lift. Each weightlifter receives three attempts in each, and the combined total of the highest two successful lifts determines the overall result within a bodyweight category. Bodyweight categories are different for male and female competitors. A lifter who fails to…

05 Dez.

Verkaufsstart Sammelalben der 03er Fechenheim (sh) – Der Andrang beim Verkaufsstart der Sammelalben der Spvgg. 03 Fechenheim war so groß, dass der stellvertretende Leiter des Rewe-Markts am Offenbacher Hafen noch eine weitere Extra-Kasse öffnen musste. Rund 140 Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene des Vereins hatten sich zum Verkaufs-Startschuss von der Fechenheimer Pfortenstraße auf den Weg über…